
Bringing the Representative back to our Democracy.

Connecting you directly to your representatives.

Breakdown summarizes Congressional and Senatorial Bills, notifies you of those relevant to your interests, and delivers your votes on them directly to your representatives.

Tell us your interests

Choose from a list of Issues and let us know what's important to YOU. We'll keep you updated from there!

Stay up to date

Get notified whenever a bill related to your Issues is introduced or updated in the House or Senate.


Vote on legislative actions, sending a clear message to your Representatives.

Unlike politicians, we don't want to charge you for access.

We believe that everyone should have access to clear information about their Representatives, Senators, and government agencies. For free. That's why Breakdown is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit organization - we will never sell your data, and don't want you worrying that we will.

Ready to start turning the tides?

Sign up for Early Access now and be notified the second Breakdown is available.
Early Access Release: Winter 2023

© Breakdown Foundation 2023. All rights reserved.